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الرئيسية » The Vision and The Mission

The Vision and The Mission

The Vision

The department seeks to keep pace with the scientific developments in the field of humanities, through the development of academic courses, in keep up with international quality standards; In order to achieve the advancement of the study of Islamic studies. The department hopes to develop the movement of scientific research.The department also seeks to communicate with civil society with its various institutions, to contribute to spreading religious awareness and moderate Islamic thought, the department also seeks to advance Islamic culture and preserves the Islamic identity, in light of the challenges imposed by the phenomenon of globalization. The department also seeks to keep pace with contemporary developments in scientific progress, and to develop Islamic solutions to the problems that arose from it, such as the problem of cloning and organ transplantation, and brain death and others.

  The Mission

Graduating students with scientific and mental capabilities that enable them to religious guidance, spread Islamic culture, and teach Islamic studies in schools and away from extremism in religion. The department prepares researchers in the field of Islamic studies with mechanisms that keep pace with the modern methodological discourse, for qualifying them to obtain master’s and doctorate degrees according to modern scientific standards, the department is interested in conducting training courses in religious discourse for mosque preachers.



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